The Justin Scott Fishing Classic was established in 2020 after the tragic loss of Justin Scott. The loss rocked Justin’s friends, family and the wider community and there were many involved in the search to bring him home. This event was established as an opportunity for those friends, family, search members and the wider community to get together and celebrate the life of Justin.


Justin loved to fish. Every second weekend you’d find him in the boat trying to catch that elusive metre Barra, a big Red or just catching a feed for dinner. Justin was just getting into the competitive fishing scene, having fished in the Barra Nationals in the Northern Territory and the Hinchinbrook Catch & Release Tournament. He was an incredibly competitive man and loved to beat his mates.

We decided on a team event to reflect Justin’s new interest in team-based fishing competitions as well as provide a sense of camaraderie between teammates and competition against other teams. The event is more about bringing friends and family together to have a good time more than it is about catching fish. This is why we have the ‘lucky angler’ table, so even if anglers don’t catch anything they still can come down to the presentation, spin a yarn, remember Justin and maybe take home an awesome prize as well!

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Justin was a man of many one-liners. One that he would come out with very regularly was “I HOPE YA JOKIN’” which he would use in a variety of different situations. To keep the memory of our forever laughing larrikin alive, we have included the Hope Ya Jokin’ award for the best/funniest/dumbest story for the weekend – and there have been some crackers to date!

Fishing location

The area we fish is from the Burdekin River to the Bun at Cape Upstart and all estuaries in between – and there are a few reasons for this. Justin basically grew up at Groper Creek. His family had a house there and he lived for fishing, crabbing and just running amok with family and friends growing up. Fast forward to the last few years of his life after he moved home from Darwin – Justin loved to fish Groper Creek and the Burdekin River with his best mate Darren and whoever else wanted to tag along. Justin’s wife Sabrina and her family have a hut at Wunjunga, where he loved to spend time as well.

Groper Creek was also the place where Justin was taken from us. The search for him was mainly focused in Groper Creek and the bay area and we are still searching for any sign of Justin in this area to help bring some closure. Our anglers are asked that if they see anything that doesn’t sit right with them to please report it.

Our Sponsors and Partnerships

What started as an informal event has grown into us establishing a not-for-profit entity, The Justin Scott Fishing Classic Limited in 2021. Our last event saw over $23,000 worth of prizes and partnerships with 26 sponsors. We are entering our fifth year, getting bigger and better with each year.

Our event would be nothing without our sponsors and their incredible generosity allows us to continue to do what we do. So please get out there and support the businesses that support us!